Showing posts with label Secure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secure. Show all posts

Secure the best firewall of your computer

best firewall
As technology advances, your computer is an important tool for you, let alone an investment; for everything from buying furniture to paying bills online, the need for computer security is increasing. Here are some tips to protect your computer from physical and non-physical damage.

Prevent Data Loss
The hard drive will “crash” during strenuous exercise in use. For example, you are at the computer and decide to rotate and stretch. Doing so will damage your computer, and the hard drive will crash. You have lost all data! To avoid this situation, back up the hard drive data. You can use a portable hard disk, CD, or DVD to back up information.

Surge Protection
A sudden power surge occurs, the surge protector will blow the fuse or trip the circuit breaker. This action will prevent severe damage to the computer. In addition, use a surge protector with the telephone line. This prevents the telephone line from powering off or damaging the computer.

Firewall Function
A firewall is a software program that ensures Internet security. The firewall filters and prevents unauthorized access to computer ports. This will restrict malicious web pages, emails, or programs that may harm your computer. There are several types of firewalls, stateful firewalls, software firewalls, and proxy firewalls.

READ: What is a firewall? Do we need one to protect the computer?

Safe Sites
Only browse secured sites. There are many sites that contain malicious viruses, adware, or spyware that can infect your computer. Before browsing unknown sites, make sure the firewall works. Only conduct transactions on websites that use secure payment methods.


Sophos Firewall Network Firewall NextGen Firewall
Dell Sonic Firewall Cisco Firewall VPN Firewall
Barracuda Firewall Check Point Firewall Antivirus Software
Laptop Computer Desktop Computer Desktop Computer with Monitor

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The Firewalls, Best Functions, and their Importance

Firewall best Functions
A firewall is a term used to describe device protection. To protect buildings or vehicles from potential fire hazards or to protect computer networks from danger. We use firewalls as a barrier to protect them. On the computer side, a firewall is a technical barrier, used as software or hardware.

If we use them as software, they are like software programs that protect the work done on the computer. It well suits these types of firewalls for home networks where work is done on a single machine or two machines. The hardware type firewall has separate hardware that can connect to the network to function. We use these firewalls in large companies that use many computers at the same time. Need to check a lot of data to provide protection. They can be box or machine shaped.

A firewall is very important for any computer connected to the Internet. Today, no computer can resist viruses, denial of service (DOS) attacks, hackers, and worm attacks. Unprotected computers become the target of unscrupulous people who perform illegal and unwanted tasks without the computer owner’s knowledge. Today’s hackers can hack into any computer and execute it, God only knows what.

READ: Secure the best firewall of your computer

The firewall can protect the computer from the threat of remote login. No one can connect to the computer and control it. They can protect you from backdoor applications, and these backdoor applications are just errors. Sending spam is one of the most popular tasks on the server. The firewall controls this. Email bombs are another way to crash the system. Here, the hacker sent you the same batch of emails and crashed your server.

READ: What is a firewall? Do we need one to protect the computer?

There are many types of firewalls on the market today. A basic firewall can protect your computer to the utmost extent, while a high-tech firewall can provide great security. By choosing the right firewall depends on your preferences and needs.


Sophos Firewall Network Firewall NextGen Firewall
Dell Sonic Firewall Cisco Firewall VPN Firewall
Barracuda Firewall Check Point Firewall Antivirus Software
Laptop Computer Desktop Computer Desktop Computer with Monitor

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What is a firewall? Do we need one to protect the computer?

Firewall Computer
A firewall is a part of hardware or a program. It can filter network traffic between computers, home or corporate networks, and the Internet. Do not use the Internet without a firewall. This article will help you determine what a firewall is and how to choose the right one for you. Just like a real-world firewall, a computer firewall can protect your computer and network from threats that exist in cyberspace.

A physical firewall can protect you from obvious attacks, and a computer firewall can protect you from several fresh attacks. Viruses, worms, DoS attacks, and hacking attacks happen somewhere in cyberspace every day. Most of the time we don’t realize who they are, but learn where they are. There are many groups and forums dedicated to breaking into your home network and causing damage. These individuals and groups take pride in stealing your data.

Therefore, now you felt that you need a firewall to protect yourself and your data. The best way is through the firewall. Any decent firewall can prevent harmful traffic from passing through the Internet and your home network. The default behavior of most firewalls is to separate internal and external traffic on the network. Most firewalls today are smart enough to determine which traffic to accept and which to not accept. You can control and configure how each form of network traffic passes. Or does not pass (if you want to block traffic) to pass through the network.

What does the firewall do So you know what a firewall is, but what are you doing? When network traffic passes through a firewall, the firewall has a default method for handling that traffic. You can define these. Basic operations can handle inbound traffic, but a good firewall can also filter outbound traffic. A typical firewall is where your computer connects to the Internet. Large companies can also disperse them throughout the internal network, which is essential for security between hops.

The most common features of firewalls are:

  • Or block incoming traffic based on source or destination
  • Block outgoing traffic based on source or destination
  • Block external traffic based on content
  • Allow external connection to the internal network
  • Report incoming and outgoing traffic

READ: The Firewalls, Best Functions, and Their Importance

Choosing the firewall that suits you depending on your needs. Personal firewalls are the most common firewalls and installed as software on home computers. This type of firewall only protects the computer, and other computers on the network will not protect it. Small organization firewalls can protect medium-sized operations and can filter traffic to a few computers. Enterprise firewalls can protect thousands of computers in various geographic areas. Enterprise firewall management tools allow many firewalls to be configured in one step.


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash


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