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Showing posts with label malware. Show all posts

Why you need to install and use a firewall


Securing the computer is a multi-step process that does not have to be confusing or expensive. The first step to protect a computer or laptop is a firewall. All devices connected to the Internet must run one.

A firewall can protect you from hackers and certain viruses. These viruses scan the network to find other devices to infect them. Even malware or viruses on your computer try to connect information without your knowledge. The firewall will even notify you when uploading to the Internet.

There are two forms of firewalls: one is a “software” firewall, and the other is a “hardware”-based firewall.

First, what is a software firewall? The software firewall runs on the computer or portable computer. Can integrate the software firewall into Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Apple OS X, and other operating systems. You can also purchase software firewalls from third-party companies such as Symantec. Besides, there are several free software firewalls. I provide a few of them. The link at the end of the article.

A software-based firewall works by inspecting network traffic from the Internet or local area network to programs on your computer. An example is the use of a web browser and the Internet. You open your browser, enter the URL, and the website sends you the data entered on port 80. Another example of a rule is to open port 5800 or 5900, allowing inbound and outbound traffic.

So that the personal help desk and others can access the control computer. Unless the user has set a rule that allows communication through port 5800 or 5900, or VNC or the like. The application will not work. Now, some applications will ask you, and some need to change the firewall to function.

What is a hardware firewall? A hardware firewall is a device that connects computers on a local area network to the Internet. Most home users have installed a hardware firewall. A router used to connect multiple computers and laptops to a cable or DSL modem provided by an Internet service provider.

Most hardware routers or firewalls use packet filtering. To examine the header (data or network traffic) of a packet to determine its source and destination. This information compared with a set of pre-defined rules or user-created rules. That determines whether the packet should forward or dropped. Most of these household devices have all ports blocked. But they have an easy-to-use web-based interface that allows certain ports to open for data transfer.

READ: Computer Firewall: Importance of why you need it?

A warning before opening ports on the firewall for games to confirm the services. Ports or applications that your ISP allows you to open on the network. I know that there is at least one ISP, it will suspend your account for opening the telnet port; port number 23 or FTP ports 20 and 21 violate their terms of service.

The type of firewall should use is up to you, and using a software firewall with a hardware firewall not cause harm. Avoid the use of two software firewalls at the same time. Software firewalls are included in almost all operating systems, and they are relatively cheap or free.

Sophos Firewall Network Firewall NextGen Firewall
Dell Sonic Firewall Cisco Firewall VPN Firewall
Barracuda Firewall Check Point Firewall Antivirus Software
Laptop Computer Desktop Computer Desktop Computer with Monitor

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Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash


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